Friday, 5 March 2010

Tiredness has taken over

and that means I have to be quick about my gratefulness today.

I got my new car. And it is fab. OK, so it's a 2001 Corsa, nothing to write home about, but it isn't full of dents and has power steering and (the best bit) central locking that locks at the touch of a button! Amazing! I am very easily pleased.

So today's things in no particular order that made me happy.

1. Being by the sea.
I'm not normally a sea person but I did feel extraordinarily tranquil today, watching the waves come in. Maybe it was because it was a nice day. It was hard to feel any sort of anger or unpleasantness watching that sea and the sun sparkle off it. I could have happily stayed there all day.

2. The art of Nicholas Roerich.
Russian artist/philosopher/archaeologist. Most famous for designing the sets for Diaghilev's Ballet Russe, but he also painted 6000 paintings in his lifetime. I love his pictures and being over at my mum's friend Russell's place today, he showed us the DVD he had of Roerich's life and work. Some very stirring stuff, and it takes a lot to get me with art, because I'm not big on paintings. I guess I like that the spiritual and philosophical shows through in the paintings, as well as a true beauty and simplicity in them. There is such calmness and tranquility there.

3. Charity shop finds.
Maybe it's the Yorkshire genes, but I love a bargain. I picked up a Roxy sweater for SD in this charity shop in Topsham for £2.50! It looked barely worn, and is a lovely light blue that will suit her nicely. And is age 14 so she will grow into it, seeing as she is shooting up like a sunflower at the moment. I also found the cutest little cuddly reindeer - yes, I know it's not Christmas but it was a quid and it was so cute I couldn't resist getting it for my friend's little girl who just turned 2. I know it will be cuddled to death, and kids that age don't really have any concept of reindeer only coming out for one month of the year. And why should they anyway, surely reindeer deserve love all year round!

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